Both my Mom and Dad served Canada from 1939 until the wars end in 1945. They both met one another while both stationed, posted whatever term you want to call it. My Mom served withe { WACS- Women's Army Corps, as Dental Assistant on the base, and she wasn't making the same money back then, as the Dental Assistants are now working for Dentists } [lol].
My Dad was posted at the base after washing out as a pilot in the RCAF, inner ear problem caused by once going into vertical dive, Even back then I'm told the G-Forces could mess a person up big time. He ended up flying a desk as the old saying goes. I was also told by other chaps who knew my Dad, that's one of the worst things that can happen to a pilot, end up Flying A Desk. But I don't think back in those days you could just resign from the forces if you didn't like your posting or assignment.
Oh sure, you could always put in for a unit transfer, but when all is said and done, your Posted Wherever The Higher Powers In Command Want you to be, end of story. I remember as kid when ever driving down around the Pennfield Air Base, always being able to see the old wooden barracks that used to be on the other side of the road opposite across the runway tar macks. What I wouldn't give now to once again be able to see those old Barracks up close and in real time.
But its funny how things work out in the long run. If my Mom and Dad hadn't met down there during those years, chances are I never would have been born possibly, [ I know there's a lot of people who know me who are saying, Boy I wish the two of them had never met, if that indeed would of happened ] [lol]
I was also told growing up as a kid by my Mom, they used to go to an area called the Lepreau Falls I think its called, or something like that, along with other off duty base personnel for picnics and such.
When I was in the Hospital out at the SAINT JOHN REGIONAL during the entire month of August back in 2002, the older chap that was in the room with me, just happened by a Fluke to have been a flight Engineer down at RCAF Pennfieled. Now what are the chances of that happening Huh ?
What a great chap he was to talk to about the base itself and some of the Aircraft that used to land there, take off from there, and train there. God its awful when you start losing some of your memory cells, I honestly can't remember his name, but I sure as heck can still remember his face as I write this article.
I'll always remember this Chap telling me, RCAF BASE PENNFIELD was a great Air Base, the only bad thing about it was, THE FOG, That could blow in within just a few minutes and reduce the Visibility down to Zero.
If any of you who served there or had family members serve there all those years ago, hopefully some of the below posted links will bring back some memories.
RCAF Station Pennfield Ridge - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
RCAF Station Pennfield Ridge was a Royal Canadian Air Force training base located in coastal Charlotte County, New Brunswick in the hamlet of Pennfield ...en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RCAF_Station_Pennfield_Ridge - Cached - Similar
RAF/RCAF Pennfield Ridge, NB (1941-1945) - CAHS Forums
7 posts - 3 authors - Last post: 29 Oct 2008Researcher of former RCAF/RAF air station Pennfield Ridge, ... RCAF Station Pennfield Ridge, May 1944-October 1945; Microfilm Reel C-12196 ...www.cahs.ca/forums/showthread.php?t=67 - Cached - Similar
RCAF Pennfield Ridge -- Sightseeing with Google Satellite Maps
Pennfield. RCAF Pennfield Ridge. Former WW2 Airfield. See map at Google See map in Google Earth! Report errors, bad data ...www.satellite-sightseer.com/id/9095 - Cached
Pennfield Ridge Air Station - Pennfield Ridge, NB - No.2 ANS, No ...
By G. Christian Larsen, President of "Pennfield Parish Military Historical Society" ... Accident and/or Mishap Reports; History: RCAF Station ...www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~nbpennfi/penn8bAirStation.htm - Cached - Similar
Pennfield Ridge Air Station - RCAF Station
Pennfield Ridge Air Station Remembering Those Who Served RCAF Station (May 20, 1944-October 1, 1945) ~Operational Training Squadron (July 1, 1944-August 19, ...www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~nbpennfi/penn8b6RCAFStation.htm - Cached
Show more results from www.rootsweb.ancestry.com
RCAF Pennfield Ridge [CLOSED]
Mobile information about RCAF Pennfield Ridge, including location, weather and visitor comments.ourairports.mobi/airports/CA-0013/ - Cached
Pennfield Ridge, NB #34 OTU / #2 ANS - RCAF RAF BCATP
Pennfield Ridge Research Project, est. 1998. Pennfield Ridge: They Shall Not Grow Old Pennfield Ridge, New Brunswick, Canada Royal Canadian Air Force, ...www.heritagecharlotte.com/pennfieldridge/ - Cached - Similar
Air Force Stations in New Brunswick
RCAF Station Pennfield Ridge was a Royal Canadian Air Force training base located in coastal Charlotte County, New Brunswick in the hamlet of Pennfield. ...rcaf.com/Stations/stationsProv.php?province=New%20Brunswick - Cached
Searching For the Hudson Bombers - Lads, Love and Death in World ... - Google Books Result
James R. Stevens - 2004 - Biography & Autobiography - 198 pagesS/L (P) Percy Calvesbert AFC RCAF RAF 608 Squadron & RCAF Pennfield Ridge “He has shown exceptional keeness and devotion to duty... neither he nor any of ...books.google.ca/books?isbn=1412031931...
Entertainment: The R.C.A.F. in Saint John: Aviation: Heritage ...
Different planes used by the R.C.A.F. During WW2, a R.C.A.F. airport was constructed at Pennfield Ridge NB, 40 miles south west of Saint John. ...www.saintjohn.nbcc.nb.ca/Heritage/Aviation/Entertainment.htm - Cached
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